Right before your eyes, next chapter in communicative revolution is happening. 87% of us didn’t even realized it – and it’s totally normal! Before television became a global medium, everyone were sceptic about it. Believing industrial guru 40 years ago, we should not use computers at home – and here we are today, carrying them in our pockets, ready to scan augmented reality all around us.
Augmented reality
within the grasp

”Soon Augmented reality will reach it’s most suitable form, and will reconstruct the world as we know it. Our current conversation is much more interesting, through experiencing Augmented Reality, don’t you think ? In my opinion, tools like this are better, because they do not interfere with conversation. We expect technology, that will strengthen contacts, not become a barrier for them
Tim CookCEO of Apple Inc.

How does it work?

Medium is the message
Unique added value for your campaign
Your statement connects with the client, precisely when he wants it! Not sooner, or later, because he decides when it’s the right moment
Using AR, you are accelerating potential of successful communication, using interesting content : 3d objects, videos etc.
Thanks to AR, you know more about your clients. Analyzing their interests, you know exactly how to improve purpose, and effect of communication.
Decisions and judgements are mostly generated by emotions, They are a surprise, with which you build a positive relation.